Open Letter to Evan on His 2nd Birthday


On this day, at exactly 10:53 am, they showed me a baby boy who had the laziest cry. Immediately when I saw you, I fell 10 times more in love with you. Papa, in the past 730 days that you have been on this earth, you have become the light of the house. Even on the darkest days, your wide smile always puts a smile on my heart and I can never thank you enough.

Watching you grow into a toddler has been one of the most exciting moments of my life. Be guided, your being born was the best moment. However, what I found the most exciting is seeing your personality bloom, and boy are you full of it. You’re the most hilarious person I have ever known, but what makes me laugh the most is when you laugh until you cry from the tummy ache.

Celebrating Evan's 2nd Birthday

2nd birthday, I thought this day would never come. When I wrote a letter to you on your first birthday, I kept stressing how time seemed to fly by. I still hold that sentiment. I sometimes look at you and see a new person, because what I hold dearest is when you were a baby that was always cradled in my arms.

I’ll tell you something though, on the journey to your 2nd birthday, I had to face a fear. And that fear was not to complain about how fast the time was passing by, but to enjoy your growth. It dawned on me that I had this fear because I was always afraid of you not needing me as you grew. Somehow, we parents think we’ll become less important the more independent our kids get, but that’s not the case at all.

I get to enjoy watching you explore things, pick the things that you like, and become good at them. Often, you need me to help you in the exploration, and that makes me feel more attached to you. But again, be guided that you will always be a baby in my eyes.

Your blooming personality is crazy to me, especially when you are naughty. The devious eye you give me just when you are about to do something naughty is funny. It drives me nuts, but sometimes I find myself chuckling still. A lot of the time, you remind me of my deviousness to my mother, your agogo.

Kicking a birthday ball

The perfect moment this past year was when you said to me “I wuv you.” You have no idea how wild the butterflies in my stomach got, how teary I got when it dawned on me that you had just said you loved me. I thought hearing the word “mama” was perfect, but those three words made me cry like a baby.

Evan, I loved you before you were born, but every day, I find you realms of love for you. You have brought so much joy and happiness to my life. You are my heart outside of my body. Each day when I wake up, I thank God for you. By far, I have learned to be in the moment, to be present, and to cherish each second spent with you.

As you grow, I need you to know that I will always be rooting for you. You’ve got a number one fan, and that person is me.

I cannot wait for what comes this new year, the new things you will learn and be able to do. The thought of that alone fills me with so much excitement and glee. The cherry on top will always be the glint in your eyes.

My birthday boy, I love you to the moon and back. My prayer for you always is that you grow with a kind heart, that you blossom in the love given to you, and that God maintains your happiness. And for as long as I breathe, I will make sure this prayer comes true.

I love you, baby.

Happy birthday,


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